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For children aged 2 years through to 3 years
Early Learners’ Session Times
- Group A Mondays & Tuesdays 9.15 am – 11.45 am
- Group C Wednesdays only 9.15 am – 11.45 am
- Group E Thursdays & Fridays 9.15 am – 11.45 am
Our Early Learners’ Program provides a safe, stimulating and nurturing environment which allows each child to experience new activities and enjoy learning. The Early Learner area is an indoor/outdoor space. The room is set up in an attractive, orderly manner with age appropriate materials which aid the child’s physical, social and intellectual development. Many parents are amazed to see how their child’s independence, confidence and love of learning develops over the year. Children attend without their parent. There is a maximum of 12 children in a group and an educator to child ratio of 1:4. Each group is led by a Montessori trained Director.
The objectives of the Early Learners’ Program:
- foster independence and self-direction in thinking and activities
- facilitate social engagement with peers and adults
- help develop language and communication skills
- help develop physical co-ordination and manual dexterity
- help develop concentration through purposeful activity
- help develop self-regulation.
Experiences include:
- Montessori Practical Life activities – pouring water, spooning grains, dressing frames (buttons, Velcro, press stud), threading, fruit preparation (orange juicing, cutting a banana), washing dishes, window washing, planting & harvesting
- Montessori Sensorial activities – pink tower, brown stairs, red rods, colour tablets, cylinder blocks,
- Montessori Language activities – language cards, sandpaper letters, sound games, book reading corner
- Art & craft – cutting, pasting, drawing, painting,
- Songs, stories, rhymes, finger play & role play in groups
- Music and movement with instruments & props
- Outdoor play experiences in the natural garden spaces